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Thank you for all the support this year and I wish everyone a happy holiday! And here are some pretty winterscapes for you to enjoy! 🙂
Steamscape: Inspiration Point. The White Pass Rotary Fleet claws its way past Inspiration Point en route to another day of operations to clear the line for the opening of the tourist season, which is little more than a week away. The sun is now peeking over the aptly-named Sawtooth Range to the southeast and is finally beginning to erase the shadows in the valley. Each day, the conductor of our photographer’s train, Craig Cline, would stop just beyond the Cantilever Bridge and allow us to hike to the spot from which this photo was taken. I must tell you that watching the plow train ascend the mountain from here is every bit as thrilling as watching a double-header climb to Cumbres Pass in Colorado. The scenery is entirely different, but the experience is the same. The one thing I could not capture with my camera was the sound. The sound of the steam engines hammering up the steep grade and their whistles echoing off the mountains is a memory of this place that I will always keep.
Nevada Northern #93 operating on Heber Valley Railroad line for the Salt Lake Winter Olympics.
Snow, wind and cold. A westbound freight creeps out of the western portal of the Allegheny Tunnel, greeted by snow covered tracks. With the wind whipping, I was surprised I was able to keep the lens clean long enough to get a shot.
Burr A wind chill of -30 made for a cold shoot, M337 is punching some small drifts.
Conrail #4020 charges through the fresh snow with an “Office Car Special”. It was tough chasing the train on the snow covered roads!
Yep Houston, we have a problem! L572 is stuck at MP 408 on the Omaha Sub, couple miles east of Yetter, IA. Big drifts and bad power cause this train to become stuck. Took contractors about 12 hours of digging to get this power dug out so 4 more unit could pull the train out. Drifts higher than the power isnt unusual during hard winter in western Iowa. It can be fun and miserable all in one.
Hi my name is Andreas Grewin and I work as an Interactive Art Director in Stockholm, Sweden. This site represents one of my interest during my past time. With this site I really want to show the world and the people around me what a amazing and creative hobby this is.
My work sponsors this site with hosting and support. They are called Webbyrå Galax and can be visited on that link.