Working on a Gas Station from Fos Limited in 1:48 for my On30 railroad. Here is the storefront: READ MORE
Working on a Gas Station from Fos Limited in 1:48 for my On30 railroad. Here is the storefront: READ MORE
This module was a pure speedbuild and took about 3 weeks to complete. I decided that I it would be done in time for C4-Open witch of course meant taking a lot of shortcuts and many things could be done better. but what the heck its done and it´s the first part of my Florida railroad in on30! I would prefer taking photos of this module in natural sunlight but there is no sun in Sweden now for a couple of months so studio lights will have to do. Part 1 of the build you can find here.
This years show in Malmö Sweden!
I visited Euromilitaire for the first time this year. Great show and as usual it was great meeting new people and old friends.
I also recieved a couple of medals for my models and with my ISU-152 bringing home a gold medal.
A new book from Canfora Publishing called a World of Dioramas witch sports Per Olav Lunds amazing diorama works will be released soon. I had the great pleasure to create a campaign website for the book so check it out:
A completly new model railroad exhibit held last weekend 3-4 november in Stockholm. A great show that I hope will return next year! Lots of modular railroading and fun shoping. READ MORE
I have just finished an article for the coming number of the Swedish magazine Allt om Hobby. It will feature my step-by-step instructions for weathering this blue car. I greatly appreciated the process for working with them and can’t wait to see the finished product.
These are some quick shots to show you what’s coming.